Algorithms that learn from labeled data how to classify new instances.
The following classification learning algorithm are divided into:
- Kernel Methods: methods operating in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
- Linear Methods: methods operating in the explicit primal space
Kernel Methods
Binary C SVM
Java class: BinaryCSvmClassification
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-core
JSON type: binaryCSvmClassification
Description: It is the KeLP implementation of C-Support Vector Machine learning algorithm [Cortes and Vapnik(1995)]. It is a learning algorithm for binary classification and it relies on kernel functions. It is a Java porting of the library LIBSVM v3.17, written in C++ [Chang and Lin(2011)]
- kernel: The kernel function
- label: The label to be learned
- cp: The regularization parameter for positive examples
- cn: The regularization parameter for negative examples
- useFairness: A boolean parameter to force the fairness policy
Binary ν-SVM
Java class: BinaryNuSvmClassification
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-core
JSON type: binaryNuSvmClassification
Description: It is the KeLP implementation of the ν-Support Vector Machine learning algorithm [Scholkopf et al.(2000)]. It is a learning algorithm for binary classification and it relies on kernel functions. It is a Java porting of the library LIBSVM v3.17, written in C++ [Chang and Lin(2011)].
- kernel: The kernel function
- label: The label to be learned
- nu: The ν parameter, i.e., the percentage of training example to be used as Support Vectors
- useFairness: A boolean parameter to force the fairness policy
One-Class SVM
Java class: OneClassSvmClassification
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-core
JSON type: oneClassSvmClassification
Description: It is KeLP implementation of One-Class Support Vector Machine learning algorithm [Scholkopf et al.(2001)]. It is a learning algorithm for estimating the Support of a HighDimensional Distribution and it relies on kernel functions. The model is acquired only by considering positive examples. It is useful in anomaly detection (a.k.a. novelty detection). It is a Java porting of the library LIBSVM v3.17, written in C++ [Chang and Lin(2011)]
- kernel: The kernel function
- label: The label to be learned
- nu: The ν parameter, i.e., the percentage of training example to be used as Support Vectors
Kernel-based Perceptron
Java class: KernelizedPerceptron
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: kernelizedPerceptron
Description: The perceptron learning algorithm for classification tasks (Kernel machine version, presented in [Rosenblat(1958)]).
- kernel: The kernel function
- label: The label to be learned
- alpha: The learning rate, i.e., the weight associated to misclassified examples during the learning process
- margin: The minimum distance from the hyperplane that an example must have in order to be not considered misclassified
- unbiased: This boolean parameter determines the use of bias b in the classification function. If usebias is set to true the bias is set to 0.
Kernel-based Passive Aggressive (PA) Classification
Java class: KernelizedPassiveAggressiveClassification
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: kernelizedPA
Description: Online Passive-Aggressive Learning Algorithm for classification tasks with Kernels (presented in [Crammer et al.(2006)] and extended in [Filice et al.(2014)])). Every time an example is misclassified it is added as support vector, with the weight that solves the passive aggressive minimization problem.
- label: The label to be learned
- kernel: The kernel function
- loss: The loss function to weight each misclassification
- policy: The updating policy applied by the Passive Aggressive Algorithm when a miss-prediction occurs
- cp: The aggressiveness parameter for positive examples
- cn: The aggressiveness parameter for negative examples
- useFairness: A boolean parameter to force the fairness policy
Budgeted Online Learning: Budgeted Passive Aggressive Classification
Java class: BudgetedPassiveAggressiveClassification
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: budgetedPA
Description: It is the implementation of the Budgeted Passive Aggressive Algorithm proposed in [Wang and Vucetic(2010)]. When the budget is full, the schema proposed in [Wang and Vucetic(2010)] to update examples (and weights) is adopted.
- label: The label to be learned
- label: The label to be learned
- kernel: The kernel function
- loss: The loss function to weight each misclassification
- policy: The updating policy applied by the Passive Aggressive Algorithm when a miss-prediction occurs
- deletingPolicy: The policy for the removal of examples from the budget before adding new examples. This can be
- BPA S: Budgeted Passive Aggressive Simple: when a new support vector must be added, one is removed and the weight of the other support vectors is kept unchanged
- BPA 1NN: Budgeted Passive Aggressive Nearest Neighbor: when a new support vector must be added, one is removed and the weight of its nearest neighbor is adjusted
- cp: The aggressiveness parameter for positive examples
- cn: The aggressiveness parameter for negative examples
- useFairness: A boolean parameter to force the fairness policy
- budget: The maximum number of support vectors allowed in the budget
Linear Methods
LibLinear SVM Classification
Java class: LibLinearLearningAlgorithm
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: liblinear
Description: This class implements linear SVMs models trained using a coordinate descent algorithm [Fan et al.(2008)]. It operates in an explicit feature space (i.e., it does not rely on any kernel). This code has been adapted from the Java port of the original LIBLINEAR C++ sources.
- label: The label to be learned
- cp: The regularization parameter for positive examples
- cn: The regularization parameter for negative examples
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
Pegasos Classification
Java class: PegasosLearningAlgorithm
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: pegasos
Description: It implements the Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver (PEGASOS) for SVM. It is a learning algorithm for binary linear classification Support Vector Machines. It operates in an explicit feature space (i.e., it does not rely on any kernel). Further details can be found in [Shalev-Shwartz et al.(2007)].
- label: The label to be learned
- lambda: The regularization coefficient
- iterations: The number of iterations required from the learning algorithm
- k: The number of examples k that PEGASOS exploits in its mini-batch learning approach
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
A Dual Coordinate Descent Learning Algorithm
Java class: DCDLearningAlgorithm
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: dcd
Description: the KeLP implementation of Dual Coordinate Descent (DCD) training algorithm for a Linear or Support Vector Machine for binary classification [Hsieh et al.(2008)].
- label: The label to be learned
- dcdLoss: The considered Loss function ( or )
- useBias: This boolean parameter determines the use of bias in the classification function . If usebias is set to false the bias is set to 0
- cp: The regularization parameter for positive examples
- cn: The regularization parameter for negative examples
- maxIterations: The number of iterations required from the learning algorithm
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
Linear Passive Aggressive (PA) Classification
Java class: LinearPassiveAggressiveClassification
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: linearPA
Description: Online Passive-Aggressive Learning Algorithm for classification tasks (linear version, presented in [Crammer et al.(2006)] and extended in [Filice et al.(2014)]). Every time an example is misclassified it is added the current hyperplane, with the weight that solves the passive aggressive minimization problem.
- label: The label to be learned
- loss: The loss function to weight each misclassification
- policy: The updating policy applied by the Passive Aggressive Algorithm when a miss-prediction occurs
- cp: The aggressiveness parameter for positive examples
- cn: The aggressiveness parameter for negative examples
- useFairness: A boolean parameter to force the fairness policy
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
Linear Perceptron
Java class: LinearPerceptron
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: linearPerceptron
Description: The perceptron learning algorithm for classification tasks (linear version, presented in [Rosenblat(1958)]).
- label: The label to be learned
- alpha: The learning rate, i.e., the weight associated to misclassified examples during the learning process
- margin: The minimum distance from the hyperplane that an example must have in order to be not considered misclassified
- unbias: This boolean parameter determines the use of bias b in the classification function . If usebias is set to true the bias is set to 0.
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
Soft Confidence Weighted Classification
Java class: SoftConfidenceWeightedClassification
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: scw
Description: Implements Exact Soft Confidence-Weighted (SCW) algorithms, an on-line learning algorithm for binary classification [Wang et al.(2012)]. This class implements both the SCW-I and SCW-II variants.
- label: The label to be learned
- scwType: The type of SCW learning algorithm (SCW-I or SCW-II)
- eta: The probability of correct classification required for the updated distribution on the current instance
- cp: The regularization parameter for positive examples
- cn: The regularization parameter for negative examples
- useFairness: A boolean parameter to force the fairness policy
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
Nicolo’ Cesa-Bianchi and Claudio Gentile. Tracking the best hyperplane with a simple budget perceptron. In Proc. Of The Nineteenth Annual Conference On Computational Learning Theory, pages 483–498. Springer-Verlag, 2006.
Koby Crammer, Ofer Dekel, Joseph Keshet, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, and Yoram Singer. On-line passive-aggressive algorithms. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7:551–585, December 2006. ISSN 1532-4435.
R.-E. Fan, K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Hsieh, X.-R. Wang, and C.-J. Lin. LIBLINEAR: A library for large linear classification Journal of Machine Learning Research 9(2008), 1871-1874.
Hsieh, C.–J., Chang, K.–W., Lin, C.–J., Keerthi, S. S. and Sundararajan, S. (2008). A Dual Coordinate Descent Method for Large–scale Linear SVM. Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning – ICML ’08 (pp. 408–415). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
F. Rosenblatt. The Perceptron – a perceiving and recognizing automaton. Report 85–460–1, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory (1957)
S. Shalev-Shwartz, Y. Singer, and N. Srebro. Pegasos: Primal estimated sub–gradient solver for SVM. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, 2007.
Wang, J., Zhao, P. and Hoi, S.C.. Exact soft confidence–weighted learning. In Proceedings of the ICML 2012. ACM, New York, NY, USA (2012)
Zhuang Wang and Slobodan Vucetic. Online Passive–Aggressive Algorithms on a Budget. JMLR W&CP 9:908-915, 2010