Algorithms that learn from labeled data a regression function.
The following regression learning algorithm are divided into:
- Kernel Methods: methods operating in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
- Linear Methods: methods operating in the explicit primal space
Kernel Methods
Java class: EpsilonSvmRegression
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-core
JSON type: epsilonSvmRegression
Description: It implements the ε-Support Vector Regression learning algorithm. It is a learning algorithm for linear regression based on Support Vector Machines [Vapnik(1998)]. It relies on kernel functions. It is a Java porting of the library LIBSVM v3.17, written in C++ [Chang and Lin(2011)].
- kernel: The kernel function
- pReg: The regularization parameter for positive examples
- c: The regularization parameter
Java class: KernelizedPassiveAggressiveRegression
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: kernelizedPA-R
Description: Online Passive-Aggressive Learning Algorithm for regression tasks (kernel-based version, proposed in [Crammer et al.(2006)]).
- kernel: The kernel function
- policy: The updating policy applied by the Passive Aggressive Algorithm when a miss-prediction occurs
- c: The aggressiveness parameter
- eps: The accepted distance between the predicted and the real regression values
Linear Methods
Java class: LibLinearRegression
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: liblinearregression
Description: This class implements linear SVM regression trained using a coordinate descent algorithm [Fan et al.(2008)]. It operates in an explicit feature space (i.e., it does not rely on any kernel). This code has been adapted from the Java port of the original LIBLINEAR C++ sources.
- p: The ε in the loss function of SVR (default 0.1)
- c: The regularization parameter
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
Java class: LinearPassiveAggressiveRegression
Source code:
Maven Project: kelp-additional-algorithms
JSON type: linearPA-R
Description: Online Passive-Aggressive Learning Algorithm for regression tasks (linear version, proposed in [Crammer et al.(2006)]).
- policy: The updating policy applied by the Passive Aggressive Algorithm when a miss-prediction occurs
- c: The aggressiveness parameter
- eps: The accepted distance between the predicted and the real regression values
- representation: The identifier of the representation to be considered for the training step
Koby Crammer, Ofer Dekel, Joseph Keshet, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, and Yoram Singer. On-line passive-aggressive algorithms. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7:551–585, December 2006. ISSN 1532-4435.
Hsieh, C.–J., Chang, K.–W., Lin, C.–J., Keerthi, S. S. and Sundararajan, S. (2008). A Dual Coordinate Descent Method for Large–scale Linear SVM. Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning – ICML ’08 (pp. 408–415). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.
R.-E. Fan, K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Hsieh, X.-R. Wang, and C.-J. Lin. LIBLINEAR: A library for large linear classification Journal of Machine Learning Research 9(2008), 1871-1874.